Samp Server Help Please

Hey i need help!! Bcoz i port forwarded my server and my server wont run without running server.exe why? if i close server.exe it says server not respondng and while its running the server works fine!! HELP PLEASE
why my server wont run widout running server.exe file

Beacuse you need to host him so he can be up online 24/7 , If you not understeand in all this stuff try to join into some new community and help they UP to the top of the top !!! , But Good Luck Sir

samp_server.exe is the server itself! Without that, there is no server. That program must be running whenever you want your server online. If you can't afford to keep it running on your home machine, invest in a paid hosting, such as Colorhost.

Are you fu*king trolling us?

If you wan't it 24/7 keep your server online. Or buy a host.

Can you guys come to my server to have some fun now!! plz

Don't advertise, post an ad in "Server Advertisement" section.

you need to port forward ur network from you modem settings,
you need to setup from your router/modem,
open ur modem with (as mention back ur modem)
type password, may be (username: admin password admin or password) wriiten back ur modem..
so open VAN or Virtual Server Settings.. open an add port, index 1, and ur ip..(for checking ip, Run ur own samp server, join, see command promt what is wriiten on ur ip.. so, add ur ip to modem settings then save...
make sure if u have dynamic ip, then fine, if not, u need to change ur ip from modem settings every times....

If you don't even know how samp-server.exe works, god help you if you ever get a VPS and actually run a successful server. All's I can say is, good luck.

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