Payback on Monday night :P

Don't know how many of you are interested in WWE but i do and this is for those who are interested in.

Whether it is like an acting serial or not, this episode was AWESOME.
Bryan was treated as a piss ant but now it was the payback time


At the begin, I just wanted to say "Fake"

But after watching the video, I have to say THIS IS SO DAMN OBVIOUS HOW THIS SHIT IS FAKE.

Yeah, I stopped watching this a long time ago. If any of this
was real, it would knock you right out. Notice how right when they came out
the chair was off his head? He didn't he take the chair off sooner?

- Recorded with a potato

there is no need to hate just because its fake, every tv show is planned and so called thing 'fake' (other then the crime shows ;x)


Originally Posted by Black Axe
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At the begin, I just wanted to say "Fake"

But after watching the video, I have to say THIS IS SO DAMN OBVIOUS HOW THIS SHIT IS FAKE.
Man you're the best.

O.T: I used to love WWE, Now it's all MeloDrama.
Visit for more.

There's no news that WWE is fake lmao it's just for the show...

Well, to be honest, I still like to watch WWE. I don't care whether it's fake or not, it still entertains me and that's all that matters.

WWE is so 90's...

Originally Posted by Eclipѕe
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Well, to be honest, I still like to watch WWE. I don't care whether it's fake or not, it still entertains me and that's all that matters.
EXACTLY, fake or real its just entertaining!

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