Modern Life RP

Stay away from it, they steal your passwords in an attempt to gain access to other accounts. It is owned by "Frank" and "Sammy".

Their IP is - if any staff would like to investigate it, please do. I'd expect a blacklist from SAMP.

SA-MP has a server blacklist?

Originally Posted by justsomeguy
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SA-MP has a server blacklist?

It states on the sa-mp server terms and conditions that you can't use your owns server to hack other players accounts on other servers, therefore they'll probably have their server taken down in the near future...

...not again, its recommended to use different passwords for everything, cant keep track of itnall? getna password manager.

Yes hello Im the one who created the script and yes to inform you the passwords were hashed by sammy and frank removed the hashing system to hack peoples accounts if they left the server I currently left there server and they tried to rat my pc. I inform all people to stay away from modern Life Roleplay they are backstabbers and have a nice day.

Originally Posted by iConvict
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Yes hello Im the one who created the script and yes to inform you the passwords were hashed by sammy and frank removed the hashing system to hack peoples accounts if they left the server I currently left there server and they tried to rat my pc. I inform all people to stay away from modern Life Roleplay they are backstabbers and have a nice day.
And I created Apple.

Originally Posted by Georgi166
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And I created Apple.
What's unlikely that he wrote a server script?

Just find another server.

Originally Posted by Jimmie
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Just find another server.
What does that have to do with anything, OP is informing us that this server steals passwords.

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