Is it possible to use default interiors multiple times?

Hey, can I use default interiors more then once? Like more then one enter/exit point for a interior, usually if I do it the enter/exit point gets mixed up, is there a way to avoid this?

I didn't quite understand what you said. Would you mind to explain it again (in details)?

Yes, you can use Virtual Worlds. When a player enters a specific place, set his Virtual World to a different Virtual World to other interiors, so that person doesn't see other people.

Konstantinos, he means, when you do /enter for example at an LV building, and an LS building has the same interior, and someone else does /enter at the LS building, they'll be teleported into the same place.

Yea sure, you know the default interiors by Rockstar Games right? For example the MadDog mansion or the Binco clothe sop. Now I want to use those interiors more then once, so most of the problem is exit of the interior, once I have 2 exit points for 2 different locations it will mix up.

Originally Posted by DanishHaq
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Yes, you can use Virtual Worlds. When a player enters a specific place, set his Virtual World to a different Virtual World to other interiors, so that person doesn't see other people.

Konstantinos, he means, when you do /enter for example at an LV building, and an LS building has the same interior, and someone else does /enter at the LS building, they'll be teleported into the same place.
I think he meant something else.

Originally Posted by TonyII
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Yea sure, you know the default interiors by Rockstar Games right? For example the MadDog mansion or the Binco clothe sop. Now I want to use those interiors more then once, so most of the problem is exit of the interior, once I have 2 exit points for 2 different locations it will mix up.
Yes, I do. Interiors can be used as many times as you want, there's not problem on that.

Can you show us the code that it gets mixed up?

Originally Posted by DanishHaq
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Yes, you can use Virtual Worlds. When a player enters a specific place, set his Virtual World to a different Virtual World to other interiors, so that person doesn't see other people.

Konstantinos, he means, when you do /enter for example at an LV building, and an LS building has the same interior, and someone else does /enter at the LS building, they'll be teleported into the same place.
Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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I think he meant something else.

Yes, I do. Interiors can be used as many times as you want, there's not problem on that.

Can you show us the code that it gets mixed up?
DanishHaq got it right, but I still wonder if the exit will mix up with the other locations the enter points has been set to?

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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I think he meant something else.
No, I'm sure he meant exactly what I said.


And, on the /exit, just as you would do with /enter, you can use

pawn Code:
if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == X)
Then it will teleport him to that same place where he did /enter. That's the way they won't get mixed up, the same way most Roleplay scripters use.

Alright, I got my answer, thank you both

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