[GameMode] Clan Training Server - BASE GAMEMODE

CTS server -
BASE gamemode

This is a very basic gamemode, originally created for clan training, and this was created in the end of July, with a BASIC map system but the person for which I created the gamemode couldn't use the gamemode, hence, I'm releasing it. This contains 3 MAPS for testing!

This is a VERY simple script, containing -

1. Basic stats system for each player, NO SAVING!
2. Basic ban system (SQLite based)
3. Basic admin system
Edit this stock as per your requirement
pawn Code:
stock IsPlayerAdminEx(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 1;
    return 0;
4. Map rotation system [No timer, based on KILLS per team!]
5. Dynamic teams per-map

List of commands -

pawn Code:
CMD:cmds(playerid, params[])
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "List of commands");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "/weapkills  /onsprees  /mapinfo  /radio (/r)  /stats [id] ");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Admin commands: /healall /armourall /forcemap [exact map name] /endmap /giveallgun [name] [ammo]");
    return 1;

Creating a new map in the gamemode

First of all, make sure that the number of maps in your gamemode are EQUAL OR LESS THAN MAX_MAPS
pawn Code:
#define MAX_MAPS    5
If that's OK, then the next step is using this function under public OnGameModeInit()
pawn Code:
CreateMap(mapname[120], author[24], maphint[150],Float:mapgravity = 0.008, team1name[40], team2name[40], team1skin, team2skin, scorelimit, mapinterior, mapobjects[120], mapvehicles[120], Float:selectX, Float:selectY, Float:selectZ, Float:camX, Float:camY, Float:camZ, sw1, sw1ammo, sw2, sw2ammo, sw3, sw3ammo, sw4, sw4ammo, sw5, sw5ammo, Float:spawnhealth, Float:spawnarmour, Float:team1X, Float:team1Y, Float:team1Z, Float:team2X, Float:team2Y, Float:team2Z)
mapname[120] = Name of the map, length must be less than 120.
author[24] = Name of the mapper, length must be less than 24 (MAX_PLAYER_NAME)
maphint[150] = text which will be shown to player on spawn, telling the player about the aim of the map or so
mapgravity = map's gravity, in DECIMALS ( default is 0.008 )

team1name[40] = name of the FIRST team, length must be less than 40
team2name[40] = name of the SECOND team, length must be less than 40
team1skin = skin of FIRST team
team2skin = skin of SECOND team
scorelimit = map's score limit
mapinterior = INTERIOR inside where the map is (used for SetPlayerInterior)
mapobjects[120] = the FILENAME where the OBJECTS are stored (none.txt or any other if you don't want to load any for the map)
mapvehicles[120] = the FILENAME where the VEHICLES are stored (none.txt or any other if you don't want to load any for the map

selectX = X pos for player during TEAM selection (POSITION, used for SetPlayerPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt)
selectY = Y pos for player during TEAM selection (POSITION, used for SetPlayerPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt)
selectZ = Z pos for player during TEAM selection (POSITION, used for SetPlayerPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt)
camX = X pos for player's CAMERA during TEAM selection (CAMERA POS, used for SetPlayerCameraPos)
camY = Y pos for player's CAMERA during TEAM selection (CAMERA POS, used for SetPlayerCameraPos)
camZ = Z pos for player's CAMERA during TEAM selection (CAMERA POS, used for SetPlayerCameraPos)

sw1,2,3,4,5 = spawn weapon's which player will get ONSPAWN in that map
sw1,2,3,4,5 AMMO = ammo of spawn weapon's

team1X = X spawn pos for team 1
team1Y = Y spawn pos for team 1
team1Z = Z spawn pos for team 1

team2X = X spawn pos for team 2
team2Y = Y spawn pos for team 2
team2Z = Z spawn pos for team 2


Full package (Extract to existing SA-MP server folder!!!)

.pwn file -

Do whatever you have to/want to, but do keep the main credits & if you wish to host a permanent server with this script, please ask for my permission


Nice Work Gangs

i really love it
but can you show me how to put this gamemod

i am newbie

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