BBCode help

I see in some signatures they have tables with writing in them like how this post has >

I was wondering if anyone knows what the BBCode is for this ?

Here comes in handy the tag "ttable";
You have to use it to start a table.
Then , start a row using "tr" tag.
After you started a row , make sure to start a data also, "td"
After you wrote your information , make sure you close the tags "tr", "td" along with "ttable"


Nevermind I got it
Thanks for your help

1st Data 2nd Data 3rd Data
4th Data 5th Data 6th Data
7th data 8th data 9th data
Note: The table will resize itself depending on the size of the text inside it. Example:

1st Data 2nd Data 3rd Data
4th Data - This time the data is bigger to resize the table borders 5th Data - Bigger but still not as big as 4th 6th Data
7th data 8th data 9th data

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