Strange problem with samp hosted on debian x64


Does anyone know why samp browser displays my server but when I connect to it using samp then it says infinately:

conectiong to ....
Server didn't respond, retrying

and this goes on and on and on and it never connects. Does anyone know why samp browser can connect to it but samp itself cant?

I am running latest samp03 with untouched cfg file on Debian 7 x64.

Can you paste your log file here so we can see whats going on?

Edit:Just had to update client lol.

you must check before making topic ..

Is this your first time updating your client? looks like you don't know, just make sure your SAMP client is 0.3x OR the server's version is 0.3x.

Change your client to what your server client is or update to the latest client.

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