Shadow Error

hello folks i just added a house system into my GM and now i get

pawn Код:
C:/Titanium Roleplay v1.0\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(5632) : warning 219: local variable "Fuel" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Titanium Roleplay v1.0\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(5649) : warning 219: local variable "Jailed" shadows a variable at a preceding level
Any idea's on how to fix this issue?


You have used the variable fuel 2 times, just change the fuel to something else,this if it's a string,otherwise post script so we can help you

You have defined fuel and jailed already. You need to remove one of them.

i have tried my best to section everything off so that its easy to read, i added avs and PPC house and the fuel system in the house car is making the issue i just dont know how to fix it

here's the code

Avs has probably fuel defined so the other fuel system will shadow it. Try removing the fuel system.

i dont know enought to even think about removing the fuel from it
av not long started to do my own GM

if i could i would like the vehicle system removed completely from the house system as i dont need it

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