04.08.2013, 08:19
Последний раз редактировалось killermac83; 06.08.2013 в 21:30.
He is known as John Reda I contacted him in hopes of getting a realstic role play script. I am a father and a husband so money was not an issue for his services. He decided to tell me how he had such an amazing script that was dynamic and bug free. I paid him 150 dollars for the script. Later on I needed him to preform updates for my server I gave him more money 100 dollars each job totalling to around 500 USD estimated I beleive. I was even kind enough to give him 100 dollars since he said he would be on my developer team and he needed it for RL.He told me this I paid for no sell rights and the script would be mine. Someone later came to my server to inform me that I have a script already everyone had and showed me a test server. I have the pwn he sent me and many people can vouche that he is a scammer. I bet he never knew how to script well and just ask EMMET to help him. It dissapoints me because I put a lot of trust in him this is my hobby. He sold me a released script United Gamming 2 which I found out he did not even script himself. I have screenshots of paypal transactions if it is needed. I don't want anything bad to happen to him I just want to help make people aware to watch when dealing with this guy. I feel betrayed and I don't want this to happen to other people.
Has he scammed anyone else? (search the section) : Not that I am aware off.
Proof: Here is a chat log I also have paypal transactions I am disputing with him for the fraud, he is also known as John_Reda and carrot Their are more transactions I can show you. He later on tried conacting me with emmet in attempt to regain his name back and start trouble I have received threats by him and proof that the script they sold me was leaked. He claims he sent the right pawn but it was a renamed UGRP edit. I have a middleman to confirm this as well as a butt load of people who use to be his friends. Please don't pay this guy to script for you I have chat logs...
Jul 7, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 40L24580KY892693W-$103.20 USDSelect record 3Jul 5, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 8JP99254C6087525N-$5.45 USDSelect record 4Jul 5, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 8PT694521E141122Y-$15.00 USDSelect record 5Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment To John Reda 8MX26067HB292335X-$10.00 USDSelect record 6Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment To John Reda 4MW08864PB2017525-$150.00 USDSelect record 7Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCanceledThe payment was cancelled and the money is in your PayPal balance.
Here is the chat log sorry I earased it off skype how ever it is here also in my skype dispute as proof
Details Payment To John Reda 8TJ06700K50800030-$250.00 USD
Proof additional:
[7/31/2013 2:03:43 AM] Emmet: turned out he went into my dropbox and fucking stole it
[7/31/2013 2:03:55 AM] Emmet: last time i use fucking dropbox
[7/31/2013 2:04:04 AM] Emmet: i went out and bought a flash drive
[7/31/2013 2:04:21 AM] Emmet: Someone who stole Realplay from me
^ Actual proof I can SS it have logs I bet that John was talking with emmet to cover this up over skype
Here is threats from john also claiming he can prove how he isn't a scammer but nothing he can say can cover up the fact he is a con artisit.
AKA Carrot
[1:02:45 AM] John: I'll show you
[1:02:50 AM] John: how to deal with people like you.
[1:05:18 AM] John: But if you wanna seriously keep taking this on
[1:05:21 AM] John: I'll take some action
[1:05:59 AM] John: Dude
[1:06:04 AM] John: Don't get scared..
[1:06:06 AM] Mr.X: You are the scammer your just pissed you are a bad scammer
He goes on to insult me because I am a dad who enjoys SA-MP but yet I have chat logs admiting he had sex for the first time at age 20. This guy needs to stop ripping people off and stop thinking he has a life...... Virgin Carrot good job bro.
I know you will read this and claim how you got scammed John Reda You have no proof at all and go ahead DDOS me and my server I don't give a fuck. You have been exposed

Has he scammed anyone else? (search the section) : Not that I am aware off.
Proof: Here is a chat log I also have paypal transactions I am disputing with him for the fraud, he is also known as John_Reda and carrot Their are more transactions I can show you. He later on tried conacting me with emmet in attempt to regain his name back and start trouble I have received threats by him and proof that the script they sold me was leaked. He claims he sent the right pawn but it was a renamed UGRP edit. I have a middleman to confirm this as well as a butt load of people who use to be his friends. Please don't pay this guy to script for you I have chat logs...
Jul 7, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 40L24580KY892693W-$103.20 USDSelect record 3Jul 5, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 8JP99254C6087525N-$5.45 USDSelect record 4Jul 5, 2013Payment ForJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment For John Reda 8PT694521E141122Y-$15.00 USDSelect record 5Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment To John Reda 8MX26067HB292335X-$10.00 USDSelect record 6Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCompletedDetails Payment To John Reda 4MW08864PB2017525-$150.00 USDSelect record 7Jul 5, 2013Payment ToJohn RedaCanceledThe payment was cancelled and the money is in your PayPal balance.
Here is the chat log sorry I earased it off skype how ever it is here also in my skype dispute as proof
Details Payment To John Reda 8TJ06700K50800030-$250.00 USD
Proof additional:
[7/31/2013 2:03:43 AM] Emmet: turned out he went into my dropbox and fucking stole it
[7/31/2013 2:03:55 AM] Emmet: last time i use fucking dropbox
[7/31/2013 2:04:04 AM] Emmet: i went out and bought a flash drive
[7/31/2013 2:04:21 AM] Emmet: Someone who stole Realplay from me
^ Actual proof I can SS it have logs I bet that John was talking with emmet to cover this up over skype
Here is threats from john also claiming he can prove how he isn't a scammer but nothing he can say can cover up the fact he is a con artisit.
AKA Carrot
[1:02:45 AM] John: I'll show you
[1:02:50 AM] John: how to deal with people like you.
[1:05:18 AM] John: But if you wanna seriously keep taking this on
[1:05:21 AM] John: I'll take some action
[1:05:59 AM] John: Dude
[1:06:04 AM] John: Don't get scared..
[1:06:06 AM] Mr.X: You are the scammer your just pissed you are a bad scammer
He goes on to insult me because I am a dad who enjoys SA-MP but yet I have chat logs admiting he had sex for the first time at age 20. This guy needs to stop ripping people off and stop thinking he has a life...... Virgin Carrot good job bro.
I know you will read this and claim how you got scammed John Reda You have no proof at all and go ahead DDOS me and my server I don't give a fuck. You have been exposed