[Map] JerneJL - Help

I have no idea where to post this besides here. Sorry.

Anyways, I mapped a huge apartment complex which took me over 6 hours to do it straight. Now I want to give this to someone for his server and he asks from .map and I have no idea what is this. People told me that MTA has under the mods folder a .map which need to be uploaded to convertffs etc etc but I'm using JerneJL. I gave him the CODE of the whole objects (the apartment) and he asked if I got the .map. Any help please?

Post this in the scripting help board next time

But since you asked so nicely I'm going to help you out here, go back to convertffs.com and do this:

Input: SA-MP CreateObject/YSI CreateDynamicObject ( Choose the one you have )

Output: MTA 1.0 object

Then convert it all and you should have the MTA code, go ahead and paste that into a text file and rename it " MyMap.map " ( just an example )

Save the file and voilб you have your .map file

.map files are only made by MTA.

Originally Posted by Sig Hansen
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.map files are only made by MTA.
You can make .map files yourself too, just look at my post ^^

Originally Posted by Dopefull
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Post this in the scripting help board next time

But since you asked so nicely I'm going to help you out here, go back to convertffs.com and do this:

Input: SA-MP CreateObject/YSI CreateDynamicObject ( Choose the one you have )

Output: MTA 1.0 object

Then convert it all and you should have the MTA code, go ahead and paste that into a text file and rename it " MyMap.map " ( just an example )

Save the file and voilб you have your .map file
I got on the first input te SA-MP Createobject and the second one under him says MTA 1.0 Vehicle.
On the output I got on the first one MTA 1.0 object as you said and the second one under him says SAMP AddStaticVehicle ex (just checking if they aren't wrong or something)

I converted and saved the whole code within a noteped.txt and changed the name MyMap.map.

Now I need to upload the file to mediafire (for example) and send him the download link for me?

Thanks a lot of your help though, much appreciated!!!

EDIT: I uploaded it to Speedyshare and it says "ApartmentComplex2.map.txt", it's fine? (:

No problem glad that I could help

You have to edit your file name like this: ApartmentComplex2.map

So that it's being saved as a .map file and not .txt

Originally Posted by Dopefull
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No problem glad that I could help

You have to edit your file name like this: ApartmentComplex2.map

So that it's being saved as a .map file and not .txt
I did saved it as ApartmentComplex2.map but it adds the .txt whenever I upload the file to different websites. Why's that? :\

Well if you rename it from .txt to .map it should save as a .map file, but if you want then send it to me and I'll see if I can fix it

Originally Posted by Dopefull
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Well if you rename it from .txt to .map it should save as a .map file, but if you want then send it to me and I'll see if I can fix it
I fixed it already

thanks for your help!

Good! No problem

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