03.08.2013, 08:58
Hey guys, today i wanted to make a class selection for an attack defend mini game..
I've made a textdraw..
And wanted to know if it's possible to make it clickable..
If no, how did Mihawk made it on attack-defend v1.8.4 make it?
This gm..
I've made a textdraw..
red = TextDrawCreate(446.0, 210.0, "_"); TextDrawFont(red, TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW); TextDrawUseBox(red, 0); TextDrawBoxColor(red, 0x000000FF); TextDrawTextSize(red, 100, 100); TextDrawSetPreviewModel(red, 88);
If no, how did Mihawk made it on attack-defend v1.8.4 make it?
This gm..