has left the server (24:2)

Okay, here's the issue:

My friend recently crashed on my server and it left the message ''user has left the server (24:2). So basically I've read about this, from my information I've read, this is what you get if you have bots.. anyhow..

My friend is banned from the server now... I cannot unban him there is no way, I've checked the firewall and everything.

Has anyone experienced this or does anyone know any kind of issue which is comparable to this?


Try looking thru your ban list

I did, he's not even banned. That's the problem, he cannot connect now, usually if he was banned it would redirect him to the inlog screen and that's where he would of gotten kicked out for being banned. Now it just says trying to connect then ''you are banned''

It's most likely just a connection issue; this happens to me on my local server when it crashes and I try to re-join w/o restarting GTA.

Well, when he crashed he I've got the message ''user has left the server (24:2) which I never saw anyway... the main point is we tried everything and he still cannot connect.

24:2 is a connection type mostly used by NPCs or bots, which is weird since you're saying that your mate is not either of..

I know right.. like I said I've read about it, 24:2 is used for bots etcetra..

Don't really know what to do.

Originally Posted by Deathh
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24:2 is a connection type mostly used by NPCs or bots, which is weird since you're saying that your mate is not either of..
Uhh, 24:2 means that his friend's ID was 24 and the quit reason was 2, which is kicked/banned. This has nothing to do with NPCs and other bots.

Originally Posted by Hambaken_NL
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I know right.. like I said I've read about it, 24:2 is used for bots etcetra..

Don't really know what to do.
If you can connect fine, and any of your other friends can, It's definitely a problem from his end that you can not interfere with.

Try having a couple of friends on your server.

If they connect just fine, the most you could do is simply delete his character file, or tell him to make a new one. His position could be bugged.

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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Uhh, 24:2 means that his friend's ID was 24 and the quit reason was 2, which is kicked/banned. This has nothing to do with NPCs and other bots.
Well, I can't find him through the ban logs or such.

Is there any solution?

@Death, I tried that aswell.

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