28.07.2013, 18:30
Last edited by [xT]Emaratii; 28/07/2013 at 06:42 PM.
Reason: Spell mistakes
How to Enable or Disable player icon's on Minimap?
A short/quick Tutorial on: Enabling and disabling of Small icons on minimap or big map which indicates players online/playing.
Step 1: Open your Gamemode with pawno.exe and Find this in your gamemode Code:
public OnGameModeInit() {
Mode (0) :- Icon's wont be shown even if the player is close/near to us. (Disabled)
Mode (1) :- When the player is near to us then that player's ICON will be shown.
Mode (2) :- Player's icons will be shown on every condition like if he is near to us or far from us, The icons will be visible on our minimap.
Step 1: Find this in your gamemode: Code:
*My first tutorial!