YSI Login System Help

Okay, so I'm very very new to scripting anything, but I'm trying to learn, and I come to you with this a question regarding an issue I am having while trying to setup a log-in system using YSI.

I followed this tutorial and I put the file from here into my pawno/includes and it still gives me
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "YSI\y_ini"
when I try to compile the script and I'm not sure why.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well, install YSI correctly.
make sure you
--copy the .inc file to /pawno/includes and add
pawn Код:
#include <YSI_y_ini>
on top of the script

Again try to include y_ini file into ur pawno includes ysi folder and then try to compile

I've tried using the pawn code:

#include <YSI_y_ini>

as well as the pawn code:

#include <YSI\y_ini>

neither of them seem to work, this is the full error message I am getting
C:\Users\Desktop\SA-MP Server\gamemodes\test.pwn(1) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "YSI_y_ini"

Also, I'm pretty sure I've installed YSI correctly, I extracted the YSI-master to my pawno > includes and just left it there, is there something else I should add like a YSI folder inside pawno > includes and extract YSI-master to the YSI folder?


Make Sure ur using the Pawno from the Pawno Folder with the Server Files you are gonna Use

I got it to work, but thanks everyone.

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