28.07.2013, 09:37
Последний раз редактировалось Hargrave; 28.07.2013 в 09:42.
Причина: REQ. MOVE.
Hey everyone.
I added this to my script as a timer:
Using it for the unmute and mute command, but it seems like it won't work as I am getting this error:
And that error makes me get a warning. But I cannot get "Symbol is already defined" where is it defined and how shall I fix it? That is the only SetTimer I have on my script by the way. Any suggestions? 
OPS I just found out that I posted this in wrong section. I thought I still was in the Scripting Help section, sorry for that. Hopefully it will get moved shortly.
I added this to my script as a timer:
SetTimer("SetPlayerUnMute", 1000, 1); |
error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer" |

OPS I just found out that I posted this in wrong section. I thought I still was in the Scripting Help section, sorry for that. Hopefully it will get moved shortly.