Turning off serv

Hello, i have problem like if player has spawned vehicle and i close server then car despawns but in player stats it is still spawned, how can i make that when i close server it automaticly removes spawned veh from player?

Is it under ongamemodeexit?

Use DestroyVehicle. That should do it.

If you mean when they disconnect, you should put it under OnPlayerDisconnect.
But if you want it to remove the vehicle when you shut down the server, it's OnGameModeExit.

Just if im closing server with "X" then what callback is it? Ongamemodeexit?

It will delete it anyway, closing the server will CLOSE the server, thus deleting pickups, map icons, vehicles.

@ Luis,
as far as I have understood, that is exactly the problem.
In his Server, the car stays spawned FOR A CERTAIN PLAYER.
On Topic:
I would say that Jimmy is right. put DestroyVehicle under OnGameModeExit.


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