Dialog problem.

Hi all.

Ok, so I've big problem with my "job location" system. Namely, if i press "Cancel" button appear "Server closed the connection" and i'm out from server. What cause this problem? I have the same problem at /gps.

@ Sorry for my bad english.

Post the codes so we can help

if(strcmp(cmd, "/joblocation", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/jloc", true) == 0)
	            GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
	            new stringjob[1000], stringj1[512], stringj2[512];
	            format(stringj1, sizeof(stringj1), "{FF00FF}1. Detectiv (Detective) - Primarie LS\n{FFFFFF}2. Prostituata (Whore)\n3. Dealer masini (Car Jacker)\n4. Dealer Droguri (Drugs Dealer)\n{FF00FF}5. Avocat (Lawyer) - Primarie LS\n{FFFFFF}6. Mecanic Auto (Car Mechanic)");
	            format(stringj2, sizeof(stringj2), "\n7. Bodyguard\n8. Dealer de arme (Arms Dealer)\n9. Dealer Vehicule (Car Dealer)\n10. Curier (Courier)\n11. Sofer Autobuz (Bus Driver)\n12. Ziarist (Paper Boy)\n13. Camionagiu (Trucker)");
				format(stringjob, sizeof(stringjob), "%s%s%s%s",stringj1,stringj2);
	            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 447, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFA500}Locatii job-uri", stringjob, "Alege", "Iesire");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, " ");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Alege locatia job-ului dorit!.");
if(dialogid == 447)
			if(listitem == 0) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1480.9539,-1768.1366,18.7958,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
			if(listitem == 1) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1489.2079,-1719.6333,8.2412,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
			if(listitem == 2) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1215.1304,-11.8431,1000.9219,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
			if(listitem == 3) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 2166.3772,-1675.3829,15.0859,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 4) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1480.9539,-1768.1366,18.7958,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 5) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 361.8299,173.6098,1008.3828,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 6) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 2226.1716,-1718.1792,13.5165,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 7) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1366.4325,-1275.2096,13.5469,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 8) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 531.7930,-1292.4044,17.2422,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 9) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1226.1500,-1827.4445,13.4093,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 10) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1154.2208,-1770.8203,16.5992,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 11) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -2040.9436,456.2395,35.1719,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
            if(listitem == 12) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -77.7288,-1136.3896,1.0781,  5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFA500}Info: {FFFFFF}Un checkpoint a fost marcat pe harta!"); }
			CP[playerid] = 200;

Search for if(!response) and post it here.

So there has to be a "Kick" oder "Ban" somewhere ^^

I don't have "if(!response)" in GM, just "if(response)".

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