What is...

The scariest thing that ever happened to you in the computer?

Just now it happened to me. I was practically creating a forum on my site, but I was wrong to enter the domain, so I overwrote all the files on that domain. this thing made ​​me almost cry, but fortunately the server before overwriting a lot of files creates a backup and did not know. what luck!

I went on an.. adult site.. and well, the screen locked up and I couldn't exit it or do anything, my parents walked in and the best thing I could do was power-off the monitor suspiciously.. boy did that end well (not)

Ahah amazing

It's no joke, it seriously happened. I think I had to get rid of them trousers after that day.. yeh..

Having your computer display on your screen "YOU ARE NOW BEING ATTACKED" I was terrified and so pulled the plug out of the computer.

Originally Posted by thefatshizms
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Having your computer display on your screen "YOU ARE NOW BEING ATTACKED" I was terrified and so pulled the plug out of the computer.
Speaking of pulling plugs, I was running late one day, heading out to the beach. I pressed the 'Shutdown' button and it brought me to the Force Shutdown page ect. I pressed force shutdown and then the confirmed yes, but after 5 minutes it still hadn't shut down. I pulled out the plug and went out to enjoy the beach. I came back to find pulling the plug had fried my power supply, completely. No power what-so-ever. I had to send it to a computer-repair store and so in total had to wait 2 weeks to get my beloved PC back..

Originally Posted by thefatshizms
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Having your computer display on your screen "YOU ARE NOW BEING ATTACKED" I was terrified and so pulled the plug out of the computer.
Something like that happend to me

Practically some guy told me. He was sending viruses using my ip .. I was very young and I did not know these things, then I ran and I turned off the computer, modem haah

I went on a website and the "National Emergency" thing came on saying "North Korea has launched a attack on the west coast, U.S Military will be arriving shortly. Please take the nearest highway out of the west coast." Now I was 12 and the time and pissed my pants, as well as looking out the window for a hour because my parents where not home. I later found out the site was a fake...

Many of you know that Pokemon green/blue/yellow/red or just the 1. Gen is full of bugs...
Alright, this little story changed a bit my life:
I was 6 or something and I played pokemon (wow really ?) I heard about the Mew bug, crossing around Azuria City.
Ok, on this time it was just a myth, some guys compared Ditto to Mew, indeed they have the same Stats..., Anyway, I didnґt fought with the Trainers on the Nugget Bridge, alright, Done, I had Abra, used teleport after I startet to fight with the Trainer on the left side ( I think? ) then I spawned in Azuria City, and then all started, I thought, it was all the plan to catch Mew, but it wasnґt, my gameboy shutted down. I started it again, (I had the blue Version and yellow, I used yellow for it) then when Pikachu appeard, his/her face changed into something what appears in nightmares I think... After it, I spawned in Azuria City, suddenly I used to fight a trainer, ok the story is a bit to long, Without the extreme cool effects you get, if you fight a trainer, was gone, I fought against the mum from Ash, she had the pokemon Missingno, on this time I didnt know that with this you can double your items... Then a text came on the screen "You did your decision..." I can remember it was something like that, my gameboy shutted down again and Pokemon yellow cannot be started up to today.

Well, you said in you computer..
I used all the method to catch mew, like in the early days.
And all the same sh*t( oh he said shit ) were on my emulator, played on my computer...

Well I can say in this Text are alot of spelling mistake, excuse me for it, a bit late here...
This story is true...

The blue screen of death.

I've been linked to many shock sites, 4chan surgery images (very gruesome), and also some very weird pornographic material.

I've also been into the deep web. I can safely say I'm never going back there again.

When you get those trick videos or whatever that have someone scream at you. I almost split my head open falling out of my chair one day...

I Was on thepiratebay.se, I accidentely Clicked on advertisment and Went to a Porn Site And my sound was loud, Everything was playing in my room loud and my mom was watching me trying to download the movie and the Porn went right on Screen when she turned around

Originally Posted by San1
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I Was on thepiratebay.se, I accidentely Clicked on advertisment and Went to a Porn Site And my sound was loud, Everything was playing in my room loud and my mom was watching me trying to download the movie and the Porn went right on Screen when she turned around
Bad one

Originally Posted by San1
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I Was on thepiratebay.se, I accidentely Clicked on advertisment and Went to a Porn Site And my sound was loud, Everything was playing in my room loud and my mom was watching me trying to download the movie and the Porn went right on Screen when she turned around
Linking to a site that makes pirating possible? uh-huh

Originally Posted by SchurmanCQC
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Linking to a site that makes pirating possible? uh-huh
Except now you have just quoted the URL yourself, Jack!

Here's mine

When its almost 4AM(Night) and I shutdown my computer cause I am sleepy, It takes longer than usual to shut down. awwwww fuck, what should i do now, i cant plug out cause i dont want my PC to be damaged.

At last I have to plug sometimes

ahaha full loud porn yeah

I don't get scared online, but some of those websites can be kinda interesting.


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