22.07.2013, 17:12
I create a road toll system, when player is at pos in front of the toll road, player taps cmd (/peage) and a timer starts (peageBS1Open) with 5 second param. Another timer starts and close the gate 3 seconds later.
I have warning code: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "peageBS1Open") but i don't need to add parameters to this function..
My script:
Define Functions:
forward peageBS1open();
Part of cmd /peage:
My Timer Function:
Please help me, thanks!
PS: Sorry for my bad English but i'm French and i post in English because I find that the English community support more than the French community.
I create a road toll system, when player is at pos in front of the toll road, player taps cmd (/peage) and a timer starts (peageBS1Open) with 5 second param. Another timer starts and close the gate 3 seconds later.
I have warning code: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "peageBS1Open") but i don't need to add parameters to this function..
My script:
Define Functions:
forward peageBS1open();
Part of cmd /peage:
if(PlayerToPoint(3.0, playerid, -2677.0000,1273.1230,55.0437)) { GetPlayerName(playerid,playername,sizeof(playername)); format(proxy_msg, sizeof(proxy_msg), "%s introduit quelques piиces dans la machine du pйage et prend le ticket de reзu.", playername); proxy_sendMsg(playerid, proxy_msg); SetTimer("peageBS1Open", 5000, false); SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, PEAGEBS+5); }
public peageBS1Open() { SetDynamicObjectRot(peageBS1, 0.0000, 40.0000, 180.0000); SetTimer("peageBS1Close", 3000, false); }
PS: Sorry for my bad English but i'm French and i post in English because I find that the English community support more than the French community.