Dedicated Servers

If I wanted to buy a cheap, but good dedicated server. Where would I turn.

I think for cheapness, you would be better off purchasing a VPS. It's cheaper and you will have more support for it (Depending on whether or not is managed). It's best to ask around


I don't to be held back with lag ect with a VPS, which is why I seek a dedi

Out there you can find "lag free" vps providers, which you don't have any trouble with them.
You just need to search around, spend money, and check if they're good enough for what you want or not!

Tell me, why are you going to spend 40$++ in a dedicated server, when you can have a GOOD quality vps for 15$ or less?

@Edit, if you do not know how to handle a linux operating system, and if you don't want to learn how to, please order a game server from the hosts in this list , and you're not going to have problems related to linux server management.

If you haven't got a huge community(let's say if your server is new) you can use VPS. It is a good choice imo. But if you have got a huge community, I would go for a dedi.

Here you go
They got really good configuration and cheap prices.
They got good Ddos protection

Not exactly sure as in 'cheap' defined that exactly suits for you but I once purchased and used my dedicated server from

I purchased the $189 (cheapest there is 169)

My friend has had a dedi with them for a couple years now, this is where I also host my SA-MP server.

i use HostSpree. Pretty cheap hosting and server runs good, not much lag and nice admin screen.

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