SetVehiclePos question.

Well I'm getting like FRUSTRATED now on this bug, I tried everything like adding random numbers and shit. What is wrong with this code:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
	SendClientMessage(playerid,c_green,"You have teleported your car to your position.");
	#pragma unused params
	return 1;
Neither "pInfo[playerid][OwnCar]" replacing by a random number nor changing the code a bit so you get another array, it wont work..

Any help?

Tried changing the array again, worked now o.O I guess I have to try another way calling this vehicle, nevermind this all!

adjust the z.

Originally Posted by Rk_
adjust the z.
Originally Posted by иєσz
Tried changing the array again, worked now o.O I guess I have to try another way calling this vehicle, nevermind this all!

I forgot to mention what is wrong with this.. Well it just doesn't work. It sends the ClientMessage, thats all.

Now I adjusted the code a little bit.. And it still doesn't work.
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
	SendClientMessage(playerid,c_green,"You have teleported your car to your position.");
cInfo[carid][Vehicle] is the CreateVehicle line, pInfo[playerid][OwnCar] can be seen as the car id. Same problem as above.

SetVehiclePos isnt synced, The best thing to do is store thier position to a variable, Put them in thier car, Then TP them and thier car back to the original position, Like this
pawn Код:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, pInfo[playerid][OwnCar], 0);
SeVehiclePos(pInfo[playerid][OwnCar], X, Y, Z);
SendClientMessage(playerid,c_green,"You have teleported your car to your position.");

Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
SetVehiclePos isnt synced, The best thing to do is store thier position to a variable, Put them in thier car, Then TP them and thier car back to the original position.
How come it works with a different array? I tried Car[playerid] as CreateVehicle line, that worked fine?

When you spawn the car its position is synced, But after spawn you cant set its position without it being unsynced

Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
When you spawn the car its position is synced, But after spawn you cant set its position without it being unsynced
I still don't get it. You mention its desynch while it has nothing to do with it. I had the array Vehicle[playerid] as CreateVehicle line, this worked fine with SetVehiclePos in another command. When I use cInfo[carid][Vehicle] as CreateVehicle line, it won't work? Is this some bug in my system? Because I tried kind of the same thing now with Vehicle[carid] and it didn't work. Maybe its because of the playerid and carid difference?


I have never managed to get SetVehiclePos to sync so idk how you did it

Originally Posted by иєσz
You mention its desynch while it has nothing to do with it.
Edit: I saw you edited your code, this might work. My apologies, I was a bit rushed yesterday so I didn't see it.

Edit2: It works, thanks.

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