Subtracting and adding from YSI

Im making a custom money system (no need to go in detail) and I know that ++ adds one to the integer and --subtracts. I wanna know, does -number and +number add or subtract the number, or set that to the integer in YSI? If it doesnt work, how to do it?

also could someone tell me how to remove the money textdraw thats there by default? xD (will rep)

variable += numbertoadd;
variable -= numbertotake;

Example, I want to take 143 from my money total.
moneytotal[playerid] -= 143;

Example, I want to add 55 to my money total.
moneytotal[playerid] += 55;

And you cannot 'delete' the money textdraw, but you can place a textdraw over it. I'm sure there would be something out there that can help you achieve this, just search for it.

Thanks, +Rep

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