29.05.2008, 11:50
I'm starting this thread to archive any good tools, info, or methods for effectively managing your clients. This involves threat protection, threat removal, guidelines on treating players the way they should be treated*, etc.
*This part of it is purely my opinion. Its your server so needless to say you can be a dick in it if you want
If you have links to any good resources (online/offline tools, documentation, etc) post them here. Please do NOT pimp yours (or someone elses) anti-cheat FS. I may put a section for that later but right now I want to collect data on server management at the level BEFORE the actual game server executable.
Changes will be below this line:
*IP address tools*
Raw list of worldwide IP address allocations: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/stats/delegated-ripencc-20080529 <--You are interested in the ipv4 addresses
Same list, sorted by country: http://madoshi.net/samp/ipaddresses.txt
Another IP list that lets you select a country and see the IP ranges: http://www.proxyserverprivacy.com/ipaddress_range.php
Find location based on IP address: http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm
Block entire countries: http://www.blockacountry.com/ <-- creates output for blocking at the HTTP level. Use the IP info in the output in samp.ban or whatever firewall you are running.
Very flexible Location->IP resource: http://ip.ludost.net/ (Thanks KingJ)
Another "ban by country" http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/
*Linux firewall resources*
APF (Advanced Policy Firewall). Works with iptables. My favorite. http://rfxnetworks.com/apf.php
http://iptables.rlworkman.net/iptables-tutorial.html Guide to iptables
*Server maintenance and management resources*
*Security write-ups and articles*
*This part of it is purely my opinion. Its your server so needless to say you can be a dick in it if you want

If you have links to any good resources (online/offline tools, documentation, etc) post them here. Please do NOT pimp yours (or someone elses) anti-cheat FS. I may put a section for that later but right now I want to collect data on server management at the level BEFORE the actual game server executable.
Changes will be below this line:
*IP address tools*
Raw list of worldwide IP address allocations: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/stats/delegated-ripencc-20080529 <--You are interested in the ipv4 addresses
Same list, sorted by country: http://madoshi.net/samp/ipaddresses.txt
Another IP list that lets you select a country and see the IP ranges: http://www.proxyserverprivacy.com/ipaddress_range.php
Find location based on IP address: http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm
Block entire countries: http://www.blockacountry.com/ <-- creates output for blocking at the HTTP level. Use the IP info in the output in samp.ban or whatever firewall you are running.
Very flexible Location->IP resource: http://ip.ludost.net/ (Thanks KingJ)
Another "ban by country" http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/
*Linux firewall resources*
APF (Advanced Policy Firewall). Works with iptables. My favorite. http://rfxnetworks.com/apf.php
http://iptables.rlworkman.net/iptables-tutorial.html Guide to iptables
*Server maintenance and management resources*
*Security write-ups and articles*