How's this

Think about it now..

An Elder Scrolls Server.

Yes it's going to take like over 9000 years to make, but I actually really like the sound of it. You would have spells, by typing /[spellname], or something like that. Then the factions as we know in RP server would be Guilds, (fighters guild, companions, dark brotherhood>hitman agency) ect ect.

Yeah we could add ideas from MMORPG's like Runescape and WoW and LoL, but it's a fun thought to think about. What are you thoughts on it?

If you want to do it then do it, there's not really much point making a thread about it. Yes it sounds cool, but I am not going to bet my life on you actually going through with it because most people who make threads about something don't actually end up doing it.

And besides, now that you've announced your idea what's stopping other people from doing it?

I don't mean I'm going to do it, I just like the idea of it and would anyone actually play it?

Noone would play a thing that doesn't exist yet :P

Anyway I don't see how you're going to make the spells and all the other special FX it will require.
Guess your easiest choice would be waiting for Elder Scrolls Online BETA.

Sa-mp is kinda WAY TOO off from Fantasy MMO RPG games... sounds kinda weird for me.

It's a good idea.but I'm afraid It's hard to finish

Elder Scrolls Online will be out soon, by the time a server like this is built it may be redundant

Did you get this kind of idea from the guy who made the thread about the Harry Potter RP?

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