I need Help how to host

Hello i own an TCadmin host but when i try add a .rar in file manager i get errors saying server for inv\announce.exe: Access is denied.

So can someone tell me how to host correctly.

you dont need the announce.exe if you uploading a gamemode.

so what do i need to upload

If your looking for a host you either buy one or host server yourself.

If you own the tcadmin, do this.

System > Settings > Game & other Voice Servers > In the ' name ' type san andreas > click the windows one(even if you have Linux) > at the bottom ' File System Permissions > User Files > Add permission by file name > Remove the .exe and stuff > Update > Save

If it's someone else tcadmin, contact them VIA support ticket or live chat.

Bro buy from a trusted hosting company if you face problems on hosting your own.

Thank you all for the help i have solved the problem and my server is up and running

Thank's it helped a lot

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