08.07.2013, 21:32
Last edited by Evoturk; 07/08/2013 at 08:05 AM.
Reason: New version released.

Hello. I'm here with my vehicle ownership system "Evo Vehicle Ownership(EVO)". It was hard to find working vehicle ownership system. So i coded and released EVO in 2011. It is first "Turkish Dynamic Vehicle Ownership System".
It works fast and responsive. It's dynamic and you can manage system in EVO Administrating Panel. I think u like it.
It's fully dynamic that you can manage all vehicles and showrooms in EVO Administrating Panel.
This panel contains:
-Manage a Vehicle-
-Add a Vehicle-
-Delete All Vehicles-
-Manage a Showroom-
-Add a Showroom-
-Delete All Showrooms-
-Change Panel Password-
-Get ROOT Permission-
-About EVO-
When you get ROOT permission you have full permission in EVO system.
You can add vehicle and showroom in system by typing /addev ( Add Evo Vehicle ) and /addsr ( Add Showroom ) with IX.2 and later versions practical.
Practical Vehicle Managing Panel for Players
Players can manage all of their vehicles by writing /myveh command. When you write it, you will see all of your vehicles list and when you select one of them you can manage it.
This panel contains:
-Get Vehicle Here-
-Sell Vehicle-
-Lock/Unlock Vehicle-
-Vehicle Security System ( None/Killing/Slapping )-
-Park Vehicle ( Optional )-
Players Can Buy Vehicle More Than 1
You can set player vehicle limit in PWN. It's default value is 10.
Automatic Park
Vehicles in system will saved their positions without players park it. But if you don't like automatic park feature, you can disable it in PWN. ( #define AUTOMATIC_PARK false )
Optional Showroom System
If you add showroom in system, showroom system will be activated. You can add vehicle to showroom like adding vehicle in system and you must set it's owner "Showroom[Showroom's ID]" like "Showroom0".
Saving Vehicle Tuning
System can save vehicles' tuning.
Plate System
Players can set their vehicle's plate.
Evo Script Version Controller
This feature work with HTTP function in SA:MP. It controls version of your Evo Vehicle Ownership system and if it is old, it notices you.
I-Power Technology
It is optimization technology in Evo Scripts. And first Evo Script contains it is Evo Vehicle Ownership.
Download Links
It is essentials version of EVO and it contains less feature than RPG edition.
RPG Edition
It is for RPG servers.
Sorry but we didn't release RPG Edition.
Exertion ( aKa EvoturK ) ( Me ) for system
****** for y_ini, foreach and y_timers includes
ZeeX for ZeeX's Fast Command Processor