Anyone know a good working Dynamic house system?

I need one which players can /buy /sell and /lock, they are the main things.

Would be nice if it could /rent and /placegun too.


(Been searching alot but none of them work properly, so don't post "search")

Which saving system do you want it to use?

Does it matter?


@noah already tried n doesnt work cos when i click continue on the dialog nothin happens

Originally Posted by ******
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Many of them work, if you claim they don't work "properly" then they must have some features or behaviours that you don't want (or don't have the ones you do want). Since you claim to have tried a load, why not list them here and explain what you didn't like about each one, otherwise people are just going to list all the ones you've already tried and waste both our and your time.
Agree, the only way to achieve a "good" dynamic-anything is to script one for youself, there will always be functions that you either don't want or functions that aren't there. Script it yourself, and you get the system just as you want it. Might take some time to learn if you aren't familiar with pawn language, but shouldn't take you too long once you get the hang of it.

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