Stupid question


Is it normal to have 228 player variables or this is world record I have Roleplay gamemode

You wont have a world record -.-! if i want i can make a variable for whatever.

I guess roleplay scripts require alot of variables, nothing unusual

Yes most RP scripts have LOTS of variables and arrays of variables and it's normal to use a lot of memory. However you should still be wise as to what type of variable you use and which ones you actually need. There's no need to store a variable that simply adds or does a small equation to 2 existing variables when you could just make a function to get the same result, especially if it's not used much. Using boolean-type variables instead of normal int ones for simple yes-or-no information would help, too.

I've a question regarding those variables. (too lazy to make another topic)

Does it cause the server lag if we have lots of variables?

No they dont, if you dont use them just create them they wont lag the server.

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