29.06.2013, 20:39
Hi, how i extract diffrent spawn positions for vehicles with mysql and spawn the vehicles?
You set the co-ordinates yourself through a command that will 'INSERT' or 'UPDATE' existing rows in a table.
I suggest looking at this if you have absolutely no clue what to do. https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=186495 - Firewire |
stock LoadVehicles() // You might want to make this an public so you could call it on an timer.
new Query[255], id;
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM vehicles"); // Formats the query for "mysql_query"
mysql_query(Query); // Querys the "Query" Variable.
mysql_store_result(); // Stores the result from Query
while(mysql_fetch_row(Query,"|")) // Splits the row
id = LoadedInfo[Vehicles];
sscanf(Query, "p<|>e<is[25]iiffff>", VehicleInfo[id]); // Pretty neat ehh? [ ID, OWNER, MODEL, PRICE, POS X, POS Y, POS Z, POS A ]
new Color1 = random(126); new Color2 = random(126);
CreateVehicle(VehicleInfo[id][Model],VehicleInfo[id][Pos][X],VehicleInfo[id][Pos][Y],VehicleInfo[id][Pos][Z],VehicleInfo[id][Pos][R],Color1,Color2, 60*10000);
LoadedInfo[Vehicles] = LoadedInfo[Vehicles] + 1;
You can use mysql_fetch_row_format simply because when it is used the row pointer is automatically increased so you don't have to use a loop or a variable(commonly 'i++') to increase the row.
- Firewire |