Graphics for the SAMP community

Well, I have been doing GFX for many individual communities so thought I might aswell do it on this forum also. Will be making free signatures. Here are some off my works:

Also here is a tutorial I have made:

A Graphics Tutorial - By Tazz Diaz

This tutorial will show you how to make a signature similar to one of the following below:

So, lets get started. Firstly you're going to require the following programs:

~ Cinema 4D ~
~ 3Ds Max ~
~ Photoshop (Pref CS5 / CS6) ~

Firstly you're going to have to be able to create some 3D text on Cinema 4D. You can find many over the web, or on many forums such as ours. Below is a tutorial created for Horizon Gaming by Keel which goes in detail on how to create some 3D text.
Link to tutorial

If you follow the tutorial correctly from Keel you should get the following result which you should customize and make your own like every good designer;

If you are not able to do something similar to this, keep practicing or PM me or Keel for support.

Secondly if you want you can customize your text if you want. You can find some 3D gun renders all across the internet which you can add to your design. This step is not compulsory but can really help make your design look better and more professional. After you get the weapons all you need to do is adjust them to the text you are using and make sure it fits.

For this example I will be using the text Keel has made so credits to him just for teaching purposes. Once you have found your gun render, and imported it into Photoshop after you have put the text in, your screen should look similar to this:

There was a small shadow around the gun which looked quite messy which I did not want so I had to remove it. I went to the eraser tool and choose any brush with 0% hardness and went around the gun while zoomed in. This made the gun look cleaner and more HD. At this point you MUST make sure you do not erase any parts of the gun.

Now you have to adjust the guns rotations and adjust it to the text. It is always best to duplicate this layer and do the complete opposite rotations on the other side of the text. So far your design should look something like the following:

Thirdly now that this is done you're going to be required to create the skin in 3DS Max and save it as .png to import the Photoshop. This can take a while to create, which it took me but you will soon get the hang of it. Below are some online tutorials which really helped me when I was learning to edit the skin's bones etc:


After a lot of practise hopefully now you are able to import skins, and edit the bones of skins and save them to how you like. If you cannot do this yet ******* will help lots when learning. However, if you have anything which looks anything near this you should feel proud that you're learning:

Fourthly now that you should have hopefully created your skins, you are now able to import them to your text / guns picture. Normally I put these behind the text looking over it, however you can go crazy by creating skins jumping off it, through it, over it etc. You can go crazy.

When adjusting the skins you have to make sure that they are properly placed as if not then the signature will not look professional. If the skins are standing try place a imaginary ground so they are all standing on one level or the signature will not look to great.

By this stage you are nearly done and should look like the following:

Once saved, and everything is completed, you should have something that looks like the following:


It's been a while since I last saw a person on this forum that actually knows what they're doing when it comes to GFX.

Quite outstanding work !


Will be making free signatures for rep



Good Work!

Originally Posted by ******
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Do you understand what the word "free" means? It means "for nothing", i.e. "I will be doing this for while expecting nothing in return". Saying "free for rep" is a complete oxymoron.
It's just a click... you lose nothing, so in some sort of way it actually is free... since you are not taking out something that you owned and gave it to him, you are simply just giving a reputation to this person for his service to samp community, and that actually gives him reputation, since he's doing something productive and benefits others... that sort of thing deserves a reputation even if there's no button to press.
He reminds it because some people are too weird and careful with their rep just like their money, people like this doesn't even need to ask for rep, they just deserve it.

by the way, nice work there mate. I remember I used to play around with gta chars in 3dmax, their bones were pain in the ass.

Originally Posted by ******
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That doesn't make it free! TDiaz gets something in return for their services - that is the very definition of NOT free! Rep points are free for you to GIVE, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Edited mate, thought you were offline so kinda added few stuff...

sorry for off topic guys.

Originally Posted by toXioneer
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It's just a click... you lose nothing, so in some sort of way it actually is free... since you are not taking out something that you owned and gave it to him, you are simply just giving a reputation to this person for his service to samp community, and that actually gives him reputation, since he's doing something productive and benefits others... that sort of thing deserves a reputation even if there's no button to press.
He reminds it because some people are too weird and careful with their rep just like their money, people like this doesn't even need to ask for rep, they just deserve it.

by the way, nice work there mate. I remember I used to play around with gta chars in 3dmax, their bones were pain in the ass.
****** is just stating his opinion which means that he wants to say that TDiaz's offer isn't FREE as he said "Free for rep". What does it mean free for rep ? We all know that it isn't a problem to click a button in return for a signature or something, but it's just said not FREE as he said.

Originally Posted by ******
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I don't disagree that it might deserve reputation, and there's nothing wrong with giving it - the work looks good, VASTLY better than anything I could ever do.

My point was that they said it was free, then asked for something in return, that is not free regardless of how worth-while it may be (I'd still say it's probably a good deal).
I didn't said it's fully free either, sort of free, since you have infinite number of them... Nevermind me, I'm just picking up people who are rough with rep thing, they keep saying it's nothing and yet, they're sitting with their ass on it and not even giving out, even for people like this. That kinda upsets me.
Judging from this guy's work, he rly deserves a single rep, I know how much work he's going through and I myself wont go for a single rep, it's like doing it for free. get my point?

EDIT: I personally gave him a rep, I don't need him to do me something to earn reputation from me, I gave him rep in the whole meaning and concept of word Reputation.

****** why are you making such a big deal about it? He meant it's for free because you don't have to pay for it. But, on the other side he's asking for a rep, still that counts as free.

You turn into a philosopher when it comes to pointless things like this, focus on coding you Einstein.

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