Advanced scripting

Hello, I've been looking around on ******* lately for advanced scripting tutorials, but all I can seem to find are the basic videos that just teach how to make commands like /setmyhp and /gotols and really simple things like that. Does anyone know of a place where I can find videos on advanced scripting. Videos like creating strings, advanced commands and commands that you use on other players and not yourself. E.g /kick, /givemoney, /sms... I need to learn a bit more about this as I am having trouble on how I can call the players ID that I'm using the command on.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Why don't you get private lessons from an experienced scripter right over HERE People hardly make advanced scripting tutorials on *******.

If you understand Pawn basics, you will understand how to make advanced scripts, first thing you should do is, open a GM that has all features that you want to learn, then begin learning from it, somehow you won't find a good pawn teacher, I don't say you will never, but there are few people that teach Pawn language, so you better learn yourself

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