26.06.2013, 13:46
Последний раз редактировалось Deathstalker; 26.06.2013 в 15:32.
I am aware that this subject has been submitted many times before. However, I'd like to get an update on the current situation, as fresh as possible so to say. If you want to leave a comment then please make sure that you've read and understood everything. Thank you in advance for your contribution and I hope that others will find this voting useful. Please read the thread before voting.
The thing is, I'm planning to creating a RP GM from scratch with (of course) the basic RP elements, however with hopefully unique features and a lot of new mapping. Now, I know that there's 1000+ RP servers and honestly I doubt that I will have any unique features, but I might just get that perfect mix of features and mapping to be able to provide a somewhat "unique" feeling. I know I might be stubborn but hey, I'm a RP lover. I really don't find any other GM attractive.
Please keep in mind that I'm not (no offence) some little kid who wants to be able to rule people and/or get a lot of money from this project or something. The main purpose of this is to get a wider understanding of programming. I've learned a lot of batch, C#, JAVA and I'm good with smaller web-based programming languages such as PHP to name a few, so I figured out, why not try PAWN too? I think it's a great way to get a bigger picture of programming through switching between language to language.
So what's your opinion on this? Leave a comment why or why not people would make more RP servers. Are there even anyone out there who would like to play on a RP GM made from scratch? Of course, the GM will take a few years to be finished so why ask now? Well, if there are enough people interested today in a new RP server then there probably is next year too, which probably would be the release date of the server. Thanks!
The thing is, I'm planning to creating a RP GM from scratch with (of course) the basic RP elements, however with hopefully unique features and a lot of new mapping. Now, I know that there's 1000+ RP servers and honestly I doubt that I will have any unique features, but I might just get that perfect mix of features and mapping to be able to provide a somewhat "unique" feeling. I know I might be stubborn but hey, I'm a RP lover. I really don't find any other GM attractive.
Please keep in mind that I'm not (no offence) some little kid who wants to be able to rule people and/or get a lot of money from this project or something. The main purpose of this is to get a wider understanding of programming. I've learned a lot of batch, C#, JAVA and I'm good with smaller web-based programming languages such as PHP to name a few, so I figured out, why not try PAWN too? I think it's a great way to get a bigger picture of programming through switching between language to language.
So what's your opinion on this? Leave a comment why or why not people would make more RP servers. Are there even anyone out there who would like to play on a RP GM made from scratch? Of course, the GM will take a few years to be finished so why ask now? Well, if there are enough people interested today in a new RP server then there probably is next year too, which probably would be the release date of the server. Thanks!