26.06.2013, 05:18
Well a friend of mine called vyper who scripted this. anyways its a police MDC System that can track vehicle speed and the vehicle plates etc the issue am having is am using the AVS dynamic dealership system and this AVS as a plate system witch is good. everything is fine with the vehicle speed it finds but the issue is it will not find the number plate on the dash cam here is the video below
i think this is the issue with it not finding i dont know what to change it to.
forward UpdateDashCam(playerid); public UpdateDashCam(playerid) { new i; if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return 0x1; if(IsACopCar(playerid)) { new pcv = GetNearestVehicle(playerid, dcam_Distance); new pvid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new Float:vPos[3]; GetVehiclePos(pvid, vPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2]); new Float:distance = GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint(pcv, vPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2]); new Float:speed = GetVehicleSpeed(pcv, 0); new string[40]; if(floatround(distance) <= dcam_Distance - 5.0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "P %s~n~S %d kmph~n~D %d m", VehicleNumberPlate[i], floatround(speed), floatround(distance)); } else format(string, sizeof(string), "P N/A~n~S N/A kmph~n~D N/A m"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, pDashCam[playerid], string); } return 0x1; }