How to make server not close when needed.

Hello. There is a 1 minute timer in my gm which updates a map every minute. But if the server is closed when the updating is not finished, some information can be lost. So I'm searching for the way to prevent server closing when the updating is not finnished. Is it possible? Thanks in advance.

Ummm..... You realise, once the server is closed/shutdown, timers and all functions get called off right?

If thats not what you meant, explain it more

Originally Posted by GODEX
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Ummm..... You realise, once the server is closed/shutdown, timers and all functions get called off right?

If thats not what you meant, explain it more
That's the problem. When the map updation is not finnished, it gets called off and some data is not saved. So i need to prevent server from closing when the mup apdation is not finnished.

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