Gate bug (with rx,ry,rz).


I use incognito object streamer.

Now i gate gates, i create it with createdynamicobject.

Then if want to move, i want to change rotation only, i leave position, just change rotation to what i need, what i make in map editor.

But, object rotation is not chaniging, he is moving forward ... I think it's sa-mp bug i heard about it, but now i fight with him.. One gates is normal but rotation is chaning too fast, i just set to 1 speed, but they open very fast, like not moving.


"Hi, I use Incognito Streamer as an object streamer. Now in my gamemode, I have some gates-object created using the function that comes with the streamer called CreateDynamicObject.

The problem is, I want them to move, but I only want to rotate them, the position should not change. However, they are doing exactly the opossite, they won't rotate, but move forward instead. As far as I am concerned, I think it's a SA-MP bug, but yet, I am still trying to make the this work.

Another problem is that, oddly, one gate works properly, just that it rotates way too fast, despite the fact that I changed the speed value a few times. It just suddenly opens, it doesn't even move at all, all of sudden it just opens."

ON TOPIC: How do you want US to help YOU, if you don't provide us with the code !!

I think if you have imagine, you can create that code, don't care what coordinates will be i sad what need in words... Or no?

Top of gamemode:
new MEDICGATES[ 2 ];
new bool:MEDICGATESMODE[ 2 ];
MEDICGATES[ 0 ] = CreateDynamicObject(968, -2599.38, 595.90, 14.16,   0.00, 270.00, 90.00);
MEDICGATES[ 1 ] = CreateDynamicObject(968, -2563.2000, 578.2700, 14.1600,   0.00, 270.000, 0.000);
Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange
if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 10.0,-2599.3799, 595.9000, 14.1600 ) )
  			if( MEDICGATESMODE[ 0 ] == false )
				MoveDynamicObject(MEDICGATES[ 0 ], 2599.38, 595.90, 14.16, 1, 0.0000, 360.0000, 90 ); // DIDINTI Y REIKSME.
				MEDICGATESMODE[ 0 ] = true;
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Gates open",4000,4 );
			else if(MEDICGATESMODE[ 0 ] == true )
   				GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Gates close",4000,4 );
				MoveDynamicObject( MEDICGATES[ 0 ], -2599.3799, 595.9000, 14.1600, 1, 0.00, 270.00, 90.00 );
				MEDICGATESMODE[ 0 ] = false;
		else if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 10.0, -2563.2000, 578.2700, 14.1600 ) )
			if( MEDICGATESMODE[ 1 ] == false )
				MoveDynamicObject( MEDICGATES[ 1 ], -2563.2000, 578.2700, 14.1600, 1, 0.000000, 360.00000, 0.000000 ); 
				MEDICGATESMODE[ 1 ] = true;
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Gates open",4000,4 );
			else if( MEDICGATESMODE[ 1 ] == true )
   				GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Gates close",4000,4 );
				MoveDynamicObject( MEDICGATES[ 1 ], -2563.2000, 578.2700, 14.1600, 1, 0.00, 270.000, 0.000 );
				MEDICGATESMODES[ 1 ] = false;



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