Question about Virus

Guys, when my brother install de Sa-mp in my pc (ever time), my pc take slow,
like a virus.. I don't know why, but this ever happens when he install the gta
with SA-MP, i think is because when enjoy in some channels, he take mods
and maybe he can get virus..

I want you to help me with this, why ever time when install this, my pc
become a trash?


Scan your computer with malwarebytes.
Also, look at the startup and services tab in msconfig.exe

hmm, but aaron, the problem with the samp download the mods, its possible this mod came with virus?

Originally Posted by drader
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hmm, but aaron, the problem with the samp download the mods, its possible this mod came with virus?
Well i have tons of mods in my game etc, not one virus if there was i obvis removed it.

lol, i don't know why, ever, ever when i install the gta with samp, my pc take a trash

Originally Posted by drader
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lol, i don't know why, ever, ever when i install the gta with samp, my pc take a trash
What do you mean trash if your computer is that bad simply save up upgrade like i have done. $1270 i went with mine. am sure mods will not give you a virus at all. i didnt understand your comment.

hmm.. so, where i can download the gta sandreas (clean), without virus? u acn help me? thanks

I doubt it's GTA which will cause problems.

Erm.... ^

You don't have to worry about sa-mp or GTA SA having a virus. This, offcourse, if you downloaded sa-mp from the official locations on the download page, and if you haven't pirated GTA SA. Crackers can stick all kinds of shit in cracks. I don't think other mods contain viruses, however, if they're installed with a separate installer, there could be unwanted things deployed on your computer. As AaronKillz said earlier, make a scan with malewarebytes to check if anything is infected. Before downloading mods, be sure to read the comments, if there's a virus inside it, people comment saying that, most of the time.

Good luck!

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