Script Request Thread #6

anyone has cmds like : /me /do /ooc /low /shout with ProxDetector ?

Originally Posted by Immortal_LTU
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anyone has cmds like : /me /do /ooc /low /shout with ProxDetector ?
I suggest you check some of those RP server scripts. Especially Godfather edits. They all have 'em.

Looking for someone who can script something like this.

/helpme. *A black box pops up, and you need to type what you need help with* - The box will say, on the top, Please type what you need help with, an administrator will be with you shortly. And if no admin's are online, it will stay in the helpme portion.

Admins need to do /assistances, in-order to check them.

Originally Posted by Frozty
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Looking for someone who can script something like this.

/helpme. *A black box pops up, and you need to type what you need help with* - The box will say, on the top, Please type what you need help with, an administrator will be with you shortly. And if no admin's are online, it will stay in the helpme portion.

Admins need to do /assistances, in-order to check them.
I've made it in ZCMD because the native one is outdated. You have to create a file 'help.cfg' in the scriptfiles folder where all the messages will be saved.
PM me if you have any trouble.
pawn Code:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,100,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Help Dialog","Please type what you need help with, an administrator will be with you shortly","Send","");
return 1;
CMD:assistances(playerid, params[])
 new string[128], File: file = fopen("help.cfg", io_read), idx=1;
 SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF11111AA, "Assistance Messages");
 while(fread(file, string))
     format(string, sizeof(string), "%d) %s", idx, string);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, string);
     idx ++;
      return 0;
 return 1;
// OnDialogResponse
if(dialogid == 100)
        new File: file = fopen("help.cfg", io_append)
                new name1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], message[128];
        if(sscanf(inputtext,"s", message)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 100, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Help Dialog", "Please type what you need help with, an administrator will be with you shortly.", "Send", "");
        if(!response) return 0;
        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s - %s",name1,message);
                fwrite(file, string);
        return 1;



Another help, please.

/call - "Usage: Use /call to contact someone, note you need to buy a phone first, from any local electronic's store." - Grey letter's please. Once they've called someone, it say's, "Dailing *number*" - In grey letter's as-well.

/report [ID] [Reason] - Please make the color yellow, once they've reported, "Your report has been sent in, please wait patient, as an administrations revises your report". Also, if they do /report only it says. "Usage: Use /report to report any rule breaker, administrators will respond soon." - In grey letter's please.

/usedrug "Usage: [Cocaine | Weed | Depressants | Fentanyl.]" - Also grey letter's please. Once they've used the drug, it says. Cocaine: "*Player name* has snorted *amount of grams*. If the effect can be foggy, and make the player drive wreckless.
Weed: "*Player name* has rolled a joint and takes a hit from it". Make the screen turn green, if possible.
Depressants: "*Player name* takes a pill from their pocket, and throw's it into their mouth". Make it foggy as-well please.
Fentanyl: "*Player name* has injected themselves with some type of substance". Make the affect foggy, and if driving wreckless as-well, please.

ZCMD /fixveh pls.

pawn Code:
   new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
   if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid))
       PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
       SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{00FF00}Vehicle Fixed!");
   return 1;

I need a filterscript that is like car god which means that the car crashes, then it fixes by itself really fast
It's like God for a player but i need this one for a car. The filterscript needs to be like > when the car gets damaged, it fixes instantly without pressing any keys to fix it. Thank you !

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)

 new vid;
    vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
return 1;

What cmd /adddealership and /addfuelvehicle In sscanf?

Looking for a scripter WHO is willing to HELP me, but I do not have money. BUT, if you help me, make a nice RP server, you will get a position in the RP server, and if we get donations, you will get a portion. PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP me.

Should we not have a warning on someone who posts on wrong section, leading to limited privileges, leading to a ban.

Hello Guyz I want some help here if you can give me
I have RolePlay server & I want from peoples to find jobs in City Hall , create also near the desk yellow icon when they go infornt of it automaticly show a table with jobs like " Police , Hitman , Whore , Trucker " ect then they click on the job witch they want it , than a checkpoint red will apear in the map so they go to the work spawn.

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