20.06.2013, 10:28
What material back ground color is in picture?

Because, if i use black it's very dark color.. Like 0x000000AA, but here is very nice grey or black i don't know, but nice.
I take this picture hex, and i get that:
But when i build this hex in this:
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(OBJEKTMY, 0,">>>>", OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_512x128,"Arial", 50, 1,0xFFFF8200, 0x2E2E2CAA, 1);
Background become blue? wtf?
What material back ground color is in picture?

Because, if i use black it's very dark color.. Like 0x000000AA, but here is very nice grey or black i don't know, but nice.
I take this picture hex, and i get that:
But when i build this hex in this:
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(OBJEKTMY, 0,">>>>", OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_512x128,"Arial", 50, 1,0xFFFF8200, 0x2E2E2CAA, 1);
Background become blue? wtf?