[GameMode] [GM] CARRIER DM


recently i made a gamemode called 'carrier DM'. it features in mini-games, and i keep getting requests for the mode as its almighty popular.

  • Two Carriers
  • First to 25 kills sinks the other teams carrier
  • Tanks used as AA guns; they are immobile, thus one cannot go on killing sprees with them.
  • Both Carriers Are fully equipped to explode and sink.

  • Liberator_XIII - For the brilliant Idea
  • Hazdog - Coding & Mapping
yes, i understand the map isnt overly that good, you have permission to edit it

  • All I ask is that you keep my name and liberators name in the credits
http://pastebin.com/f49f2f950 - PAWN CODE

if you want anything else, please ask

also, if you find any bugs please report them

other than that, enjoy

Great Idea
But it seems not so populiar

no, on my server everyone always wants to play it

OKe nice
But here not

But ive test it and i like it very much!
Orginal Idea (Codes can be stolen, Ideas not)

no, its still technically exclusive....

mini-modes was just a typo i meant mini-games...

Originally Posted by hazdog
no, its still technically exclusive....

mini-modes was just a typo i meant mini-games...
Indeed. This GM has never been on Mini-Modes server as we all create them by ourself. Pre-made GM's arent used.

looks good

I noticed a bug. Two actually. I tested it with my friend. We both were cops, and that anti friends kill doesnt work for me, and sometimes the spawn thing gets bugged, so, even if i press fire it wont spawn me... Can some1 tell me how to fix it?

sorry for incredible old bump but i have to answer this question. it appears that desync causes the press fire thing to not work correctly. i removed this a while ago in a later version, as it was annoying me. ill put up my latest one soon (not AG) when i get my computer back as its getting fixed.



I played this with like 50 people.
Sure was fun.
But sure was laggy.

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