I don't know how to use dini !!


I tried to make my own adminscript, But for this, I need .ini files.
So I tried to follow the "Making a simple Adminscript"-Tutorial in SAMP Wikis.
I don't understand anything! I copied all the lines and pasted in, but I get more
Errors than the Wiki says. Can anybody help me please ? I don't understand dini!!

Look in the discussion section, I posted solutions to some of the errors there.

Also look here, on how to use Dini: Link

Yeah, but I get a error an d I don't know how to do this:

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	new tmp[256];
	new password;
	password = strval(tmp);
	if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/register", true) == 0)
    dini_Set("/folder/file.ini", "Name", "playerid");
    dini_Set("/folder/file.ini", "Password", "%s",password);
    return 1;
	return 1;
I know it's very wrong but It's my first try with dini

You could always look at the simple admin filterscript as to how they did it.. and yes that is pretty wrong..

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