Best way to start a new gamemode

I'm currently starting to code a new RolePlay gamemode, My question is.
What's better, writing the whole gamemode in one script or make each system in seperate files and include them into the main gamemode?

I am using includes which is the best, I think :/

I'm not sure about speed, but it's definitely a lot easier to find any functions and even problems if they're all in includes.

It's also much easier to move from everything from its individual include to a gamemode. It's a lot more tedious to remove everything from a GM and make it an include.

Logic, the best way I would like to start up a server is to begin off with a simple script - Roleplay Script.

You can then begin to add more CMD's and ADmin Commands, and some nice Unique feature like.

My personal own "Dynamic Factions" "Dynamic Business", and housing.
I would the begin to add my factions in, like LSPD, FBI ETC.

Then I would begin to add some more features, like "Crate Systems"

Make an include for each system. Trust me it's the best way.

Making each system separate is better option cause it will be easier for you to disable those features in game through some coding in the main script. Don't make the separate part as filterscript, Include would be better option so that you can co-relate the includes and the main GM.

Thank you guys, I'll include each system

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