[FilterScript] Simple Script [/spin]

Well not much to say at this script..

Imade ​​a script boredom .. is called spin .. by using the command / spin You will see a menu of activities and Disable
When you're in a car and press Y to turn a car ..

You can take away

pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
new spin [ MAX_PLAYERS ] ;

CMD:spin ( id, params[]) {
new BigString[1900];
strcat(BigString, "{FFFFFF}Activate Spin\n{FFFFFF}Press {F81414}Activate {FFFFFF}to activate Spin Mode\n{FFFFFF}Press {F81414}Disable {FFFFFF}to disabled SpinMode", 1900 );
ShowPlayerDialog(id, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00B8F5}.::{FFFFFF}Spin{00B8F5}::. ",BigString, "Activate","Disable");
return 1; }


public OnPlayerKeyStateChange ( playerid , newkeys , oldkeys ) {
if ( newkeys & KEY_YES) {
if ( spin [ playerid ] == 1 ) {
if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle  (playerid ))
SetVehicleAngularVelocity ( GetPlayerVehicleID ( playerid ), 0.0, 0.0, 2.0); } } return 1; }

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if ( dialogid==1 ) {
if ( response ) {
spin[playerid] = 1;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Spin ~b~Activate~n~~w~Press ~b~Y ~w~to rotate", 4000, 3); }
else {
spin[playerid] = 0;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Spin ~b~Dezactivate", 4000, 3);  } } return 1; }

Sorry for my English language

So do not throw (tomatoes, cucumbers or critical gave me) that anyone could create something boring stuff .. )))

Neat little fun script.
Good job!

Nice one dude.

Thank's guys

ehehehe nice

What a peculiar identation...

I recommend you to not create such big strings (1900 cells for 143 characters!) and to not make the dialog ID 1, make it a more remote number, because most gamemodes use dialogs and start from zero, it might conflict with other dialogs.

Originally Posted by admantis
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What a peculiar identation...

I recommend you to not create such big strings (1900 cells for 143 characters!) and to not make the dialog ID 1, make it a more remote number, because most gamemodes use dialogs and start from zero, it might conflict with other dialogs.
Dialogue with the number 1 can be changed to other numbers ..

pawn Code:
#define spin 900

ShowPlayerDialog(id, spin, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00B8F5}.::{FFFFFF}Spin{00B8F5}::. ",BigString, "Activate","Disable");

if ( dialogid==spin )

Pretty simple, but good to take start and great for newbies to learn, +3

Thank guys.. ..

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