SendClientMessage cuts after a few words

Yeah so when it shows the format it doesnt show the lines and it only shows your stats until the word kill and it cuts from there
CMD:stats(playerid, params[])
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAlive] > 0)
		new result[128];
		new score = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
		new cash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
		new admin = PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin];
		new kills = PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills];
		new deaths = PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths];
		format(result,sizeof(result), "{F71414}Score: {FFFFFF}[%d]{F01AAC} | {F71414}Money: {FFFFFF}[%d]{F01AAC} | {F71414}Admin level: {FFFFFF}[%d]{F01AAC} | {F71414}Kills: {FFFFFF}[%d]{F01AAC} | {F71414}Deaths: {FFFFFF}[%d]", score, cash, admin, kills, deaths);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0808}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, result);
 		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0808}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{8F8F8F}You have to be alive to do this.");
    return 1;

The string where you're storing the text is too small (the array 128 cells, yet the whole string is 186 characters). Split it in different lines.

Cool but why doesnt it show the red lines i made?

Because they're over 128 characters long, trim it.

Cause they're alot of characters.

EDIT: Guy above me posted before me.

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