Strcat "Native function failed"

Strcat "Native function failed"


I have this stock:
stock ShowCustomPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, caption[] = 0, info[] = 0, button1[] = 0, button2[] = 0, extra = 0, style = -1) {
	if(!g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_USED]) return 0;
	if(isnull(caption)) strcpy(caption, g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_CAPTION], MAX_RLS_D_CAPTION);
	if(isnull(info)) strcpy(info, g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_TEXT], MAX_RLS_D_INFO);
	if(isnull(button1)) strcpy(button1, g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_BUTTON_ONE], MAX_RLS_D_BUTTON);
	if(isnull(button2)) strcpy(button2, g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_BUTTON_TWO], MAX_RLS_D_BUTTON);
	if(style == -1) style = g_DialogData[dialogid][E_DIALOG_STYLE];
	g_ExtraParam[playerid][dialogid] = extra;
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption, info, button1, button2);	
	return 1;
the problem is when I using strcpy, The error that I got with crashdetect is:

[07:48:33] [debug] Run time error 10: "Native function failed"
[07:48:33] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[07:48:33] [debug] #0 00017c98 in ?? () from Pdsad.amx
[07:48:33] [debug] #1 00019c64 in ?? () from Pdsad.amx
[07:48:33] [debug] #2 0000a094 in public OnDialogResponse () from Pdsad.amx

What is the problem?

Strcpy contains strcat in it and it's for copying strings. How have you defined strcpy?

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