We need a NEW security update

The client is less secure than Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Again, there are new tools flooding the servers



Who knows what will be in 3.0 Kye has better things to be doing other than making security updates for 2X

Safety first

It will not be long then more servers are attacked

Just so you know SA-MP has nothing to do with Ddos style attacks which looks like this server is getting. The Ddos is tried to decline services to everything on that server (not just SA-MP).

So its kinda out of Kye's control, there have been known Ddos attacks that threatened the entire internet root DNS servers. Read here if you want more info on that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_Backbone_DDoS_Attacks

it is a botnet...

i have informations

Yes, botnet's create Distributed denial of service attacks.

They are sending your server most likely useless information to cause it to use its bandwidth which limits service to legitimate services (normal people playing SA-MP).

this botnet Attacks only samp.

teamspeak pings are normal

Something similar was happening to Valhalla Gaming a few days back. We have now taken our own security precautions to avoid these problems.

we have a firewall with many plugins, but none has helped.

we know now that we have been an IP search, he must, because the botnet run on an FTP server

Originally Posted by [vG
Leo ]
Something similar was happening to Valhalla Gaming a few days back. We have now taken our own security precautions to avoid these problems.
i dont think what you have will stop a DDoS.

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