PC Formatting

Hi guys I wanted to be sure in one thing about formatting the PC. I'm planning to buy a SSD and since I have an original copy of windows 7, if I format my current HDD and I install my new SSD with the same OS and key it should work, right?

Clone your old HDD to the new one, but make sure it fits! You could try reinstalling, but be aware Windows might not like you having 2 installs.

Cloning normally is not a option with SSD's since one ssd with a reasonable price is about 100 to 260 dollars and at maximum with 256 GB...

You may try it.. if it gives you any trouble get in touch with microsoft and they may tell you what to do..

I don't know why you think it would be a problem, but it won't.

simply attach the SSD to your system, and launch the BIOS. set the new SSD as boot-device (yet it will fail to boot).
as next priority device, you should set the DVD-ROM. (since you want a freshly installed windows from dvd i assume)
the last boot-device should be your old HDD. if no bootable sectors got found on the SSD & DVD, then your old system will boot

general advice: never erase a system before the next one is running.

^^^ what he said. also,just to be safe, get an empty dvd or flashdrive and put windows on that as well, i had a friend who had a dvd of 7, but after 5 years, it was so scratched, it didnt work.

it may work, but it might not as well, luckily, you dont need a key to use W7, so if it doesnt work, you can still go online and find a working key.

I wouldn't recommend cloning the drive, you will most likely run in to various issues. Simplest thing to do, and probably also the fastest (as this is an SSD we're talking about), is just reinstall as described by Babul.

I've done it myself multiple times I've never run into an issue with the key. I reckon it was something like 5 reinstalls that were allowed with the same key.

it will say windows geniune

I will try to boot the SSD as first with the clean Windows installed otherwise I'll f*ck myself up :P

Buy a cache ssd instead?.

It makes your "normal/current" hdd bigger cache so it gets a lot faster!, so you don't need any mess with formating etc..

And they are a lot more cheaper also!.

I don't have one yet but I'm planning to buy one maybe.

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