20.05.2013, 18:03
Hello, I got a problem with some timers. When you enter a specific area where you are not allowed, you start to loose health. You start to loose health, but it wont stop, even if you go away.
Here is the code:
I cant figure out whats wrong.
Any help would be appreciated
Here is the code:
new bool:IsInArea[MAX_PLAYERS]; new HealthTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; forward areacheck(); forward health(playerid); public OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("areacheck", 200, 1); } public areacheck() { for (new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(put things here) && IsInArea[i]==false) { HealthTimer[i]=SetTimerEx("health", 400, 1, "i", i); IsInArea[i]=true; } else { if (IsInArea[i]==true) { IsInArea[i]=false; KillTimer(HealthTimer[i]); } } } } } public health(playerid) { new Float:h; GetPlayerHealth(playerid, h); SetPlayerHealth(playerid, h-5) }
Any help would be appreciated