19.05.2013, 08:35
Последний раз редактировалось Guest123; 19.05.2013 в 13:35.
Причина: picture..
[1] Just Admin Can Go To That Island, If Player Go to that island, automatic they got killed
[2] added checkpoint at bar and superpower shop
[3] superpower abilities after you click jump key(shift) it will make a Explosion near your place
[4] bar added, you can buy drinks,weed,ciggy and more !
[5] command /gisland - will teleport to private island

+ added pirate ship
+ you can ride that ship
+ new checkpoint near the ship- to ride pirate ship cost = $21201
+ SetPlayerMapIcon, it will created near you place and at ls
Picture v0.2

SolidFiles v0.2
[1] Just Admin Can Go To That Island, If Player Go to that island, automatic they got killed
[2] added checkpoint at bar and superpower shop
[3] superpower abilities after you click jump key(shift) it will make a Explosion near your place
[4] bar added, you can buy drinks,weed,ciggy and more !
[5] command /gisland - will teleport to private island

Version 0.2
v.02 function+ added pirate ship
+ you can ride that ship
+ new checkpoint near the ship- to ride pirate ship cost = $21201
+ SetPlayerMapIcon, it will created near you place and at ls
Picture v0.2

Download v0.2
PASTEBIN v0.2SolidFiles v0.2