SAMP Map Constructor

Hello, when my brother tries to startup the SAMP Map Constructor he get's the error 'Please install proper drivers for your graphics card. ****** will help you in acvhieving this task.' Yesterday he was able to startup the editor, he updated all his drivers etc, but it still won't work. How to fix this??

Re install the map constructor.

Which OS are you using?

Nah nah.I know the problem,I know it.It happened to me as well.I had an nvidia 2nd hand graphics card.When I tried to install "Suitable Drivers",the screen went BLACK.I tried on laptop,it ran well and good.So I bought an ati (very high series) card and it ran well.Believe me or not,you will probably -rep me but believe me,it works!

Originally Posted by xxRichixx
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Nah nah.I know the problem,I know it.It happened to me as well.I had an nvidia 2nd hand graphics card.When I tried to install "Suitable Drivers",the screen went BLACK.I tried on laptop,it ran well and good.So I bought an ati (very high series) card and it ran well.Believe me or not,you will probably -rep me but believe me,it works!
I don't think he's going to go out and buy a new video card when he doesn't need to. Some people would actually rather figure out why something isn't working and then fix it, rather than go and spend unnecessary money on a new one.


I don't think he's going to go out and buy a new video card when he doesn't need to. Some people would actually rather figure out why something isn't working and then fix it, rather than go and spend unnecessary money on a new one.

Look, previous graphics card could run many good games like mw3 and it could't run samp map.Why??
It didn't support samp map constructor.Running and supporting are different things.He may buy another card of the same price but a new one,a new one.
Believe me,it worked for me,it really did.

Why would he buy a new card just to use map constructor you have to be stupid to do that. Try fixing it as potassium said.


Why would he buy a new card just to use map constructor you have to be stupid to do that. Try fixing it as potassium said.

I know,I am just telling this cuz it worked for me brother.Anyways,as you wish guys.Your money,your things.
I won't tease you by posting here anymore.

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