[SA:MP] Gamemode.amx - Run time Error

I have Compiled my game mode in pawno and i think theres no error in compiling it.
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
I can use my server via the samp-server.exe

But , when i use my Host , the below message is seen
Script[gamemodes/xxx.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
and my game mode becomes "Unknown"

Please , I need a solution for it.

Thanks in Advance.

You ave a problem with plugins.
Search in the you server.cfg, the "plugins".
If isn't.. you write plugins and add the plugins name.

Ty. Found the mistake.

Another help please ...

My .so are just 150 kb. And my host's max upload capacity is 2mb.

When i upload the files one by one , it says:
File: abcd.so is too big. This file will not be uploaded.
Can someone help me reduce the size ? Or what software must i use ?

Someone help me. I need it fast , before 3 hrs .. !!

Then your host is bad... Get another host..

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Originally Posted by SilverKiller
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Then your host is bad... Get another host..
But you know ? It can upload other files with 1.5mb and 1.7mb.

I think its like WinRaR [You unrar it , file size increase]

There must be a solution to reduce its file size.

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